Sunday, July 17, 2011

For those who want the most in life and are willing to listen (and for you, Em)

Life can be difficult, challenging and painful. It can also be magical, wonderful, amazing and brilliant. It is my belief that the difficulties we face have a purpose. They have something to teach us. They have something to give us which will help (or make) us grow and understand. I'm a firm believer that if you ask for guidance and information, you will receive it. However, you must clear the mind and set out an intention in order for it to happen. I believe we receive messages and guidance all the time, but we often fail to recognize it as such or are too busy or preoccupied to hear or see it. I ran into a post from Melissa Van Rossum this week that explains this very well:

Intuitive information or divine guidance comes in many and varied forms to us each and every day.  The problem in receiving it, however, is several-fold.  First, we’re busy.  Too busy.  We’re busier than we’ve ever been and we continue to look for ways to be more effective with the time we have.  Our minds are often overloaded and focused on other things such as goals, deadlines, kids, spouses, issues from the past, dreams of the future, and all the things that we don’t want in our lives.  Rarely is our attention in the present simply noticing and listening without distraction.  We need to make time to listen...The simple art of being and thus being aware, is rare indeed...When your mind is crowded, busy and distracted, your creativity and intuitive abilities suffer.  Creativity and the receiving of guidance thrives upon the natural ebb and flow of life.  There is a time to strive forward and a time to rest and receive.  If you’re regularly distracted, you’re sending the message to the Universe that you’re not interested in receiving any information. And so you don’t.  The Universe will always honor your intentions and desires...Begin to listen and watch – your thoughts and feelings.  Listen more closely, allow your awareness to open.  Become receptive.  Let the Universe know that you are willing to hear what you need to hear.  See what you need to see.  Change what you need to change.

This came at just the right time for me. Do I feel lost, confused, alone, not sure which way to go, what to do in life, strapped down by certain aspects of our society that absolutely suck and are absurd? Definitely. But I also know there is much more to life and I'm determined to make the most of this short time I have here. If you listen, the Universe will guide you, if that is what you truly want. From this day forward, I'm going to try my best to make an extra effort to ask where I need to go and what I need to do to best fill my life's destiny, overcome my challenges and enjoy peace and happiness. This requires me to slow down a bit, figure out what is most important, prioritize and stop and listen. I'm sure it will also require the painful experience of letting go of old patterns, thoughts, beliefs and sources of comfort. A death of self, if you will. Is it easy? No. Is it a necessary part of life? Yes, if you want to grow and live life to the fullest. What is worthwhile does not come easily. The more darkness we process within our selves, the more room there will be for light. Our society has mostly lost it's connection to "spirit" to "nature" and to that which is "sacred." This has had a tremendous toll on the human spirit. No wonder so many people feel lost, alone, confused and dissatisfied. Yet, we can still access this wisdom and magic of the Universe if we tell her we are ready and we believe...


  1. Nice blog Shonna.You have touched a lot of things in this That pertain to my life now. Thank you for some insight to releasing some major stress that i have. Your so cool!

  2. Thanx for posting this Shonna it made me smile while reading it, because I'm at that crossroad right now where I need to find what's best for me. I think I stopped listening when I was a kid and it won't be the easiest path but I want to be ready to find a new me, one that isn't lost and dark! Ty for you reading my blog and always giving me sound advice; you are a truly amazing person! <3 u girly :)

  3. Yet, we can still access this wisdom and magic of the Universe if we tell her we are ready and we believe...

    I'm ready and I believe :)
