Black Friday violence and insanity:
Watching the videos on the news last night was frustrating, heartbreaking and embarrassing. I'm ashamed of the behavior of my fellow humans. How did we get to a place where an electronic device is more important than human life? I simply can't believe a shopper would pepper spray others to get past them and that someone can get shot in a parking lot over material items. I also don't understand why these stores don't just give out numbers to those in line, develop a lottery, or come up with some better system then letting people mob each other in their stores. It's so archaic, we can do better than that.
It is behavior like this that makes me lose hope that our society will ever evolve. I don't understand it. We have lost our compassion towards others and we have forgotten what is truly meaningful in life. Not only that, most people don't even know or care that all of the electronics we buy have a huge impact on our Earth and natural resources. No one gives a fuck and it's just sad.
Duane Elgin said it nicely in his article, "Why We Need to Believe in a Living Universe." We have come to see our universe as dead. We've given life and value to things that don't even matter and have forgotten about those things that really do. In a world where every strand is intimately connected in a web of life, we are only harming ourselves with ignorance. As a part of that web, I can't help but feel that loss of connection and insanity in myself. We can do so much better than this, and it's frustrating that we are seemingly stuck in an adolescent stage of human development.
I'm glad you wrote about this awful day. Definitely the last day of the year I'd ever go shopping. Economy be damned. I refuse to be one of the sheep marching into oblivion.