Sunday, September 22, 2013

September Equinox

Happy autumnal equinox/first day of fall to those in the Northern Hemisphere and vernal equinox/first day of spring to those in the Southern Hemisphere!! It's a special day in regards to the Earth-Sun relationship:

On the September equinox (approximately September 22, but varies slightly from year to year), the vertical rays of the Sun will strike directly (perpendicular) at the equator. On any other day throughout the year, the axis of the Earth is tilted a little towards or away from the sun.  Also, the circle of illumination (the dividing line between the daylight half of the Earth and nighttime half of the Earth) touches both poles, bisecting all other parallels. Thus, day and night are of equal length at all locations on Earth (approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness). The word "equinox" comes from the Latin language - "equi" meaning "equal", and "nox" meaning "night" -  "the time of equal days and equal nights."

“Autumn is a reminder that while the leaves die and fall, there will always be Spring, a chance to replenish and be reborn again. We all have the opportunity to replenish ourselves, to be reborn.”
~ Tao 

"Autumn asks that we prepare for the future —that we be wise in the ways of garnering and keeping. But it also asks that we learn to let go—to acknowledge the beauty of sparseness."
~ Bonaro W. Overstreet

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