Thursday, May 19, 2011


Things are difficult right now. I hate feeling sad, even though I know it is a part of human existence and just as important as happiness. I ran across a blog post the other day that was timely for me. It discussed an exercise of simply writing down what makes you happy and what you are grateful for. This is something I should do every day, but especially now, to remind me that things are not bad, they are not bad at all...

Things that make me happy and I am grateful for:
- music
- my band and bandmates
- my dog
- my friends
- having a job
- having the opportunity to go to school
- nature/wildlife/Earth
- green tea
- wine :)
- my massage therapist :)
- a roof over my head, even though it sometimes leaks haha!
- food and clean water
- HOT showers and hot springs
- books
- my measly little attempt at an indoor garden
- Sandy, whom without I'm not sure I'd still be on this Earth
- those who look out for me from other dimensions ;)
- my teachers and past students
- my family

There are people on this earth who suffer everyday, who don't have water to drink or food to eat, who don't have a roof over their head. Who don't have access to a warm shower or to the luxuries that many of us take for granted. It is ridiculous that this is the case, but it is reality. I try to find happiness is the most simple things. In no way do I want my conveniences and luxuries to cause harm to others or to the environment, unfortunately at times they do. So, while I'm thankful for the things I do have, there is so much more I wish I could do to make this Earth a better place. I'm reminded of the quote: "Live simply so others may simply live." At least this gives me something to strive for, minimizing my own ecological footprint, which is so much harder than it seems...

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