Dreams have always been a big part of my life. I've had a few instances when dreams I had predicted future events. No, they didn't predict any major world event or some catastrophe, but rather small incidences in my life. I've had many recurring dreams throughout my life. I've had simultaneous dreams with other people. I've gone to amazing magical, enchanted places and also to the depths of hell. I've taken dream interpretation courses and I've read many books on the subject.
Today I woke up "on the wrong side of the bed" to say the least. Mornings have never been my best time of the day, but today there was a special annoyance to everything from the moment I got out of bed. I had a piss poor attitude to say the least. As I walked out to my car, I reflected on the fact that it was kind of odd. I rarely wake up in a bad mood, let alone the awful mood I was in this morning, especially for no apparent reason. In fact, I can't recall a time I've ever just woken up that way. My bad days don't usually begin the moment I wake up. I shrugged it off and tried to get myself in a better mood. I drove to work. I got to my office and realized I was extremely tired. There was really no reason for me to be as tired as I was. It was out of the ordinary, I got a decent amount of sleep. As the day went on, it just got worse. Little things kept happening that were just annoying. Why is it that when we have a bad day, it seems everything goes wrong? Is it the energy we create from having a few things go wrong that escalates and causes other things to go wrong? Is it simply perspective based on our mood? Is it all just coincidence?
As the day progressed, my tiredness did not go away. In fact, I ended up feeling dizzy and extremely fatigued a few times throughout the day. A headache would come and go. This is very unusual for me. During a phone call I explained how awful I felt. Nothing was "wrong" that I could define. I didn't really feel sick, I just couldn't focus and was very tired. Plain out "blah." Still, I couldn't find anything that would explain why I felt this way. The person on the other line asked if I had bad dreams. I thought for a moment, but didn't remember dreaming last night. "No," I replied.
About a half hour later, it all came back to me (how does that happen, when we forget a dream all day and suddenly it comes back, seemingly out of no where?). Sometimes I will forget a dream and something will remind me of it later in the day, like seeing one of the symbols in waking life. But this was just, "poof" and there it was in my memory, as I was working and concentrating on something else.
Wow, the dream was intense. It was one of those dreams where you physically feel it. Unfortunately, this was not a good dream. I recall being in a barren lot, something similar to where there might be a flea market. There were a lot of people and I remember seeing empty run down buildings here and there, such as restrooms and old storage buildings. For some reason, there were many people gathered here, as if waiting for something. Suddenly, a voice comes over a speaker and explains that there is going to be a nuclear blast. The man explains that it will be brief and it shouldn't hurt too bad, but to brace and protect ourselves as much as possible by kneeling in a ball and covering as much of our bodies as we could.
There was a blinding bright flash and a wave of energy came rushing through the lot. I had found myself huddled behind a metal wall or barricade of some sort. I braced myself. I heard a voice say it was going to be painful and screaming may help ease the pain. I heard a string of people screaming, as the wave worked its way through all the people. It came to me and another blinding flash. The only way I can describe the feeling was as if being shocked from head to toe, but different. This is the closest feeling I can relate it to. There was a high pitched ringing, that permeated my whole being. It was the most awful feeling I've ever felt. All other sound was muffled by the ringing and I screamed just to see if I could hear myself, to see if I had survived. It was horrible. It lasted only a few seconds and slowly, I could hear and see again. People began walking around, collecting themselves and going about their business. I was with a few other people and started walking around the dirt lot, looking for a restroom. Each one that I found was closed up and empty. I finally found an open one and recall looking at myself in the mirror to see if I was OK.
So, after remembering this dream, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a correlation between the way I physically felt today and the dream I had. I've read many theories about dreams, but I have no answers. There are so many theories. Could the dream have drained my energy/soul as it traveled through space while I was dreaming (astral travel)? Maybe my unconscious knew I wasn't physically well and so created the dream in response? Did the dream interrupted my sleep and therefore cause the fatigue from lack of sleep? At any rate, I thought it was interesting, simply due to the nature of the dream and the way I felt. I haven't had a dream like this in quite some time. In fact, I've never had a dream involving nuclear radiation. I have had many dreams of tornadoes, where I have felt the physical pressure/suction and pull on my body. Those are awful too, but the only similar type of dream I've had where I have such an intense physical sensation. Oh, and then there are dreams when you are falling or flying and the physical sensations are pretty intense then too. I can't help but wonder what makes these dreams so realistic and so physical. What do they mean and can they impact your physical or spiritual being? Then again, I could just be coming down with a bug or something and it's just a coincidence that I had a bizarre dream at the same time. I'm skeptical. However, I do know some people who would tell me this is a serious dream and that I need to protect and re-energize my self and that my soul did experience some kind of trauma. Other people would tell me it's mere coincidence. I'm kind of holding a middle ground on this. Either way, dreams fascinate me and this one has especially caught my attention.
hmm I totally believe in astral travel so I would go with something drained your astral body of energy and the trauma from that caused your mood and tiredness!
Thanks for your thoughts Elisha! I'm starting to think that is what happened in this dream. I didn't come down with a cold or anything and felt fine once I got through the day after the dream. Strange! Now I just need to figure out to energize myself in a dream, rather than getting drained! :)