Midnight and I headed through Boulder, up Boulder Canyon, past Nederland and up to Eldora. Just beyond Eldora, the paved road ends, and if you keep following the road all the way up, you come to the "4th of July" trail head; named such because the snow doesn't melt and the trails aren't generally passable until around the 4th of July. Within the Indian Peaks mountain range, I find this one of the most beautiful places I have ever hiked. The wildflowers are spectacular, as are the waterfalls. It is always amazingly green (for Colorado) and the skies always so blue. The air so fresh and it never gets hot up there. It was a perfect day. Since this was Midnight's first time there, I took him to my favorite waterfall. It is definitely one of my favorite places on Earth.

To see the water traverse down the mountain side is remarkable to me. It is the lifeblood of the Earth. Snow melt from the Colorado alpine provides much of the water in the state. It continuously flows through Indian Peaks all summer, nourishing plants and flowers along the way. There is nothing more beautiful. Especially against the barren, rocky landscape in the near distance.
We then hiked beyond Diamond Lake and came upon another beautiful alpine lake that was completely stunning. I had never been there before and we were blessed by the fact that no one else was there. The beauty there was magnificent and absolutely breathtaking.
In all honestly, if I didn't have places like that to go, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Nature=Shonna's God, period. Aside from music, it keeps me in check and keeps me sane. For some reason, it is only there that I can find clarity in thought, true clarity. When there, I try to let everything go, in a meditative way. It's not easy, but that mountain range, and many others in Colorado have an energy to them that I can't even explain in words, most notably in the alpine region. It brings me an inner peace that nothing else does. It helps me see and understand things more vividly and clearly. It speaks to me in a way that nothing else can.
Watching the billowing clouds form and head east, seeing the lush green grass, colorful wild flowers and flowing waterfalls...what a miracle that something so beautiful can even exist. Whatever force or power that created this place is truly remarkable...and this is just a minuscule piece of the wider Universe.
Entertaining and humorous side note: I like hiking to the tops of waterfalls to see what they are flowing from. Midnight and I hiked up beyond the first waterfall and through some thick trees.
I carry bear spray on most hikes, not only for bears (which I have seen at Diamond Lake), but also for creepy people (you never know). Somehow, while walking through the trees, a branch pulled off the safety lock on the spray in my backpack's side pocket. I have no idea how that is even possible, but it happened, because as I walked through the trees, it hit me...burning my throat and eyes. It was crazy. I seriously do not know how the safety lock came undone and the trigger engaged. Actually, the more I think about it, it seems nearly impossible....hmmm. Anyway, somehow it happened. I threw all my shit down and ran out of the trees, let it air out and then turned around and headed the other way...Ha!