Thursday, September 29, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

I posted these links with a few words about capitalism today on my Facebook page. It started an interesting conversation. First, I must say that I value everyone's opinion greatly, even if it is different from my own. Any argument that any one makes is a learning experience for me. I think it's funny that I got accused of being a Marxist and a Socialist. Or, then again, maybe that was simply my own perception. But here's what I had to say...

I need to live on a planet where there are no social, economic and political systems because it is all flawed in my opinion. Maybe on this planet, I would be considered a Socialist or a Marxist. I would just like to live in a place where everyone’s basic needs are met and if you want more than your basic needs, you work for it. I’m not going to go march on Wall Street, but I admire the people who are voicing their opinions and exercising their right to try and live how they want to live. In my opinion, we all have a right to live how we want. We all have one life and we should have the freedom to live this existence how we would like. It’s just too bad that there are so many of us on this planet that it isn’t possible to live that way without being forced into some kind of system or intentionally or unintentionally hindering the way in which others would like to live. People who believe in capitalism and want to live in a capitalist society should be free to do so, but I should also be free not to.

I'm tired of working my ass off only to put money in some rich banker's pocket, and the only thing I can do is totally change my lifestyle and live as far removed from the aspects of the system that I don't believe in. I just feel that human beings have so much good and potential in them and that we can do better than we have been in regards to how we relate to each other and the Earth. I just don't like seeing all the unnecessary stress, violence and suffering that people go through just because of the mighty dollar. I enjoy seeing people fight for what they believe in, which is why I posted this in the first place. :) "Be the change you want to see in the world"


 Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
~Carl Sagan

I Imagine Change

Speaks for itself...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rising Above

To succeed, we must fail
To live, we must die

We must understand patience
and also realize that waiting can be wasteful

Balance is necessary

We get what we give

The Universe wants us to succeed 
in our own personal quests

We must live with intention
and action

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live."
~Norman Cousins

"No one rises above who he or she has been without first having fallen down. The best time — in fact, the only time — to make a real change in your life is in the moment of seeing the need for it. He who hesitates always gets lost in the hundred reasons why tomorrow is a better day to get started!"
~Guy Finley

"The Peace you long for also longs for you."
~Guy Finley

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Earth and Soul

As the Earth turns
darkness and light unfold
akin to the inner landscape of the soul
The highest latitudes
at times are given
continuous night and day
A further reflection
of the soul's winding travels
through canvas of color and gray
Sometimes feeling
never ending sunlight
or eternal endless night
Yet it waxes and wanes
day after day
and will always change

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Poetry (guest post)

Poetry is one of the greatest reflections of the human soul. It speaks from great depths. It reveals the shared struggles and emotions of humanity. Sometimes a reader may understand exactly what the writer is expressing and other times the reader may find a whole different/personal meaning to the words that someone else has written; both are beautiful. Reading what other people are willing to share has enriched my own inner landscape of thought and emotion, most notably when the writer speaks from deep within the depths of the soul, truth, and heart. The following are poems written by Matthew Lamar Mills that I felt were worth sharing; good stuff.


From within I see all that was me/ now, without, excess worries and doubt/ Detached from the ground/ I am no longer bound/ free from the old/ a new story to be told/ Sitting, listening, waiting with wonder/ beneath this oak my mind aches with hunger/ "How, where, and why!," with a smile my heart does cry/ As my love of freedom grows, my spirits patience dies/ Never before with one breath, have I tasted freedom so strong/ not a watch in this world could tell how I've waited so long/ So bright are these hues/ these shades of life/ erased are the days of worries and strife/ Not erased/ only dull/ for the point is now moot and gray/ blurred by the orange-red sun of this new mornings day/ Breathe in deep and exhale the release/ repeat as the body flows with peace/ Thoughts not of the past or future or how/ only focus on this moment/here and now. 

The Dove of Peace

Heaven sent is this Dove so white,
Its feathers stirring through the air so light.
It lands atop a tree with a gentle touch,
Giving all that it sees the gift of loves luck.
From tree top to roof it flies for miles,
Leaving in its gentle wake joy filled smiles.
It is known throughout as the Herald of Peace,
When its presence is seen all hatred does cease.
The years pass on and the world changes tone,
The anger of the people in time has grown.
This Dove flies still but few take notice,
In this world so cold it feels but homeless.
In all of its life it has never seen despair,
Sad and lonely the people do not care.
It wonders in its heart how to make amends,
How to these people may Heavens light descend?
And then it came the cure to their hate,
A way to bring them back to Heaven’s pure Gate.
The Dove soars up high to the peak of the clouds,
Giving its life the remove this Dark hung shroud.
As its feathers fall its body does vanish,
Once again color fills this transparent canvas.
Its feathers molt falling so light,
Giving shine to this hate filled night.
All around the world this showing is seen,
As snow crowds the ground light and love team.
“It’s just frozen water,” is what some say,
For others that know, it is the Dove of Peace that made this day.
Though not all is right, peace is given to some,
The newest to this world, that to Hate are too young.
On these days still in the coldest of frost,
The Dove flies high to show hope is not lost.

As the night winds down, I listen for a noise; a whisper, a sound, a quiet spoken voice. Nothing to break this silence, this cacophony of endless nothing; uncertain of this change, waiting, searching for something. 

Once more into transition, as I sit and wait still I listen; to be told of my path, hoping that this is my final mission. How I want to be done. To end this battle fought of one. So hard to keep pace, when my shadow is the one that I race.

Yet, still I continue, listening and waiting in wonder, for the day shall come when I cast this dark veil asunder. And stand triumphant in peace, steeled for another battle that shall not come to pass. Stronger than the wall that hides my worn, tattered past.

So, until then I listen, for the sound of that quiet spoken voice.


Near Aspen/Maroon Bells, 2010

Happy September Equinox!! Today every location on Earth experiences an equal 12 hours of sunlight and darkness.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thank You

Thank you Earth for being my home
Thank you to the force, being, energy that created this magnificent home for us
For all the amazing wonders, beauty and beings
This is what keeps me going
When the Earth and Universe speak
It keeps me pushing forward
Striving for better things
Making a difference
And having hope...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Living vs Existing

"Are you living or just existing?"
-Tyler Perry

This is a question that is good for all of us to ask ourselves from time to time. Sometimes we get wrapped up in things and we end up existing, rather than living fully. It happens; to everyone. Asking this question can be a great practice, of course, not just asking it, but answering it honestly and doing something about it if you feel you are only existing and not living. We only get one chance here, in this life, on this planet, with the people we love, in this body, with this mind. Time is precious and we never know when we will no longer be here. I know I'd rather spend it living. It takes work, determination and persistence.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What the world needs...

Trail descending to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The rim and the river are two very distinct and magical biomes

Grand Canyon - 11/2009

Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

~Howard Thurman

Monday, September 12, 2011

Video for Attrition System

And here is the video for Attrition System (The Combustion Mechanism). Ascend beyond the ills of society and remember what an amazing universe we live in, aside from all the bullshit of society~ Focus on and strive toward the beauty, toward peace, love and change...

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Chief and I went for a walk yesterday in the mountains. On our way back, a train passed by that was carrying an impressive number of military tanks. I couldn't help but wonder where they were going, what they would be used for. I couldn't help but ask myself why we live in a way that requires this type of destructive machinery. How did we get to a place of such global unrest, hatred and mistrust in our fellow humans? I just don't understand why our world can't be more of a peaceful place. Are humans destined to always strive for power, control and domination (of each other, the Earth, etc)? It seems by now we would have evolved enough to live in a more intelligent, civil and peaceful way. But we have not. Living in our society brings a lot of unnecessary stress and unhappiness. Those with all the money they could ever need are not the happiest people on the planet, we are missing so much more to life. I long for a day when the way we live at the present is completely altered forever, even if that means great suffering and death to precede. We have a lot of things all wrong, and the more time goes by, the more I lose hope that we can dig our way out and begin living life in a way that is in harmony with each other and our planet.

It is very easy for me to become hopeless, to hate other humans and to give up the idea that things can ever be better and that I can live more in harmony with others and with the Earth. It is very hard to let go of my negative attitude. However, negativity only breeds into more and more negativity and the energy and strength to make a change begins to diminish. If people, each one of us, don't begin to realize what an absurd world we live in and do something to make a difference and foster change, nothing will ever change for the better. We can't give up.

I have to go back through the memories of my mind and remember the awesome people I have met and worked with who see through the absurdity and are doing things to make a difference. We can't give up hope and become complacent. Then the "broken system" wins. I have to inspire myself with those people, organizations and countries who have done things to make a difference and live differently. While I understand that our technological advances were meant to make life easier for us, it seems to me that we have gotten to a point way beyond that to where our technology and materialism is now controlling us. Regardless of the reasons, our culture is sick, unbalanced and has its priorities confused. Life begins to feel like a battle, more than it should be. Sure, life is difficult, no matter what. Things happen in life that are painful, that are challenging. But why make the suffering and challenges more numerous than they need to be? I got sucked in to the endless hours of working simply to pay for a roof over my head and I'm so done. There is no reason any human should have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a roof over their head. Home ownership and mortgages are a joke. It is more than a challenge to get out, but I will and I will live differently. I will get out of the system as much as possible and I will not give up, even though at times I feel there is no other choice. I live this life once and I refuse to be a slave to a sick and unhealthy system.

All of my beliefs surrounding this brought rise to "Attrition System," which later became lyrics for my band's song. I have to constantly remind myself of the good in this world, the beauty, and the miracles that surround us everyday and in the process of life itself. Without it, I simply would have no hope. I have to take time to understand and admire a raindrop, a rainbow, a galaxy, a flower, the whole miracle of nature and the universe. Otherwise, I would be completely caught up in man-made reality, with no regard for the amazing things that take place around us and within us in every moment. I would be clueless and no longer care; a victim of the system.

Attrition System

A gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress (

The act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack <a war of attrition> (Merriam-Webster)

Amazing how we've come to this
All the perfect conditions
All the pieces fit
And yet we take for granted
what a miracle it is

Beyond the self
Our world slowly fading
Beyond our world
Evolution lost its way

How could it be, this Ontology
Superficial reality?
Based on power and greed

Complicating what is simple
Ignoring the larger picture
It leads
To disruption, conflict, dysfunction
On our way to

Beyond all time
Existence brought
Beyond all thought
A part we forgot

How could it be, this Ontology
Superficial reality?
Based on power and greed

With this loss of sanity
Wake up
Ask yourself what really matters

Survival of the system
based on attrition
Detachment pervades
Self-obsession invades
Ask yourself what really matters

Beyond the self
Seem to waste it all away
Beyond our thought
Lost before consciousness

How could it be, this Ontology
Superficial reality?
Based on power and greed

Survival of the system
based on attrition
Gains from our loses
Detachment pervades
Self-obsession invades
We forgot we are part
of a larger whole

Diminished morality
loss of sanity
wake up
ask yourself what really matters

A larger design slowly fades
In our own evolution
we lost the way
a grand disruption invades

to the miracle this existence brought
We seem to waste it all away
What a shame
Is there still time to make a change?